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Best Of „Paleo Scene in Germany“ 2013


Another year has passed and I think it was a very special year for the Paleo scene in Germany.

With this short article I want to give you a recap of significant events.

STEINZEITSTRATEGIE-SUMMIT 2013 (Stoneagestrategy Summit 2013)

The year started with a unique event, the first „STEINZEITSTRATEGIE-SUMMIT 2013“  in Munich. Finally there was an opportunity to meet other „like-minded“. The Summit was very well attended and could shine with top-class presentations:

Dr. Sabine Paul „Mit dem Paläo-Lifestyle gegen Burnout, ADHS und Co.“
Prof. Dr. Jörg Spitz „Das Sonnenvitamin 2013: die wichtigsten Updates aus der Vitamin D-Forschung“
Prof. Dr. Jörg SpitzEröffnungsvortrag „(R)evolution unserer Gesundheit“
Dr. Rainer Klement „(R)evolutionäre Ansätze für eine ganzheitliche Krebstherapie und Prävention“
Dirk „Bill“ Lemke „Getreide & Autoimmunerkrankungen“
Svenja Trierscheid „Die besten Tipps & Tricks für attraktive Paläo-Gerichte“
Constantin Gonzalez Schmitz „High-Carb, Low-Carb, No-Carb – Was ist denn die richtige Kohlenhydrat-Menge?!“
Hanjo Fritzsche „Ernährung und Bewegung im Biorhythmus“

And I also had a brief appearance, in which I reported on my weight loss with Paleo.



As part of this, my wife and I were interviewed on paleo360.de on „Weight Loss with Paleo“ and „Paleo during pregnancy„.

The presentations can be downloaded here.

More impressions:

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1st Paleo Symposium of the DGPE (German Society for Paleo Nutrition)

During the year 2013 another very special event for me was the „1st Symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition“ in Schweinfurt. I was officially invited as a speaker and have talked about the topic „Lose weight with Paleo … how I became a stronger version of myself again“. I also had the opportunity to meet other members of the „German Society for Paleo Nutrition“. Anyone who is interested in becoming a member, looks here.

The first german Paleo symposium ended with a great atmosphere and excellent lectures:

Dr. Sebastian Baier (1. Vorstand DGPE)
(R)Evolution unserer Gesundheit – Vorbeugen statt nur behandeln
Prof. Dr. Jörg Spitz (www.mip-spitz.de)
Die Nicht-alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung – Volkskrankheit des 21. Jahrhunderts?
Dr. Torsten Albers (www.albers-concepts.com)
Low-Carb, No-Carb, High-Carb: Was ist denn los mit den Kohlenhydraten und was ist die richtige Menge?
Constantin Gonzalez (www.paleosophie.de)
Ernährung und Krebs – Back to the Roots?
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (Universitäts-Frauenklinik Würzburg)
Getreide und Autoimmunerkrankungen
Dirk Lemke (Neurologische Rehabilitation, Kliniken Schmieder Heidelberg)
Paläo in der Praxis
Nico Richter (www.paleo360.de)
Abnehmen mit Paläo…wie ich wieder eine stärkere Version von mir selbst wurde
Pawel Konefal (www.superhumanoid.info)
Paläoernährung und Übergewicht
Dr. Nils Pfeiffer (Schatzmeister DGPE)

Some Impressions of the Event:

DGPE Getreide und Autoimmunerkrankungen von Dirjk Lemke Die Nicht-Alkoholische Fettlebererkrankung von Dr. Torsten Albers Teilnehmer in der Pause Pawel Konefal und neuer Rainer Klement (neuer Vorstand der DGPE) Ernährung und Krebs von Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer


„Paleo Germany goes International“

The Proceedings of the 1st Paleo Symposium in October have been published in the American Journal of Evolution and Health.

Referring to the 1st Paleo Symposium of the DGPE (German Society of Paleo Nutrition) in Schweinfurt, I have published along with several other of the speakers (Rainer J. Klement, Torsten Albers, Ulrike Kämmerer, Nils Pfeiffer, Joerg Spitz, Pawel M. Konefal) in the Journal of Evolution and Health at the Ancestral Health Society.

The publication can be downloaded here free of charge and is only available in English.

Paleo Meetings

This year there was plenty of Paleo meetings in Germany. In cities such as Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt and the Cologne area, the paleo network was expanded. This can be further enhanced next year certainly.

facebook Groups

There is fortunately a large german Paleo community on facebook, which is distributed to various Paleo groups. In the following I link 5 of them:

„Extrem Schwer“

A TV broadcast on RTL2 with Felix Klemme sets on the Paleo / Primal diet to greatly help overweight people to live slim and healthy again permanently.

Each episode of „Extreme Schwer“ describes the most important year in the lives of seven women and men. It is the year in which everything changes and everything should be easier – not only the weight!

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And don’t foget to regularly check out superhumanoid.info
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Lesen Sie den vorherigen Eintrag:
Long-term Effects of a Ketogenic Paleo Diet combined with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for weight loss: A Case Report - Pawel M. Konefal
Meine 1. Publikation im „Journal of Evolution and Health“

Bezugnehmend auf das 1. Paläo Symposium der DGPE in Schweinfurt habe ich zusammen mit einigen anderen der Vortragenden (Rainer J....
